Date : 23-01-2022
Views : 437
Why among all the prophets that have been sent on earth, Jesus was the only one who experience such a terrible martyr?
Dear Sister,
Thanks for your question.
With regards to the question that you have posed about Jesus, and why only he experienced terrible martyr, well as far as Islam is concerned it is clear and a part of belief that Jesus Christ was not killed neither was he crucified as mentioned in the Surah 4:157 "And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain." So its clear that he didnt experience any terrible martyr. Islam teaches that he was raised to Almighty alive and he will come back to this world near the final days and he will clarify all the false accusations that were made up in his name. It is mentioned by Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, that, “By Allah, the son of Mary will descend as a just ruler. He will abolish the cross, kill the swine, and annul the tribute, but he will leave the she-camel such that no one collects from it. He will cause rancor, hatred, and envy to disappear, and he will call people to give their wealth in charity but no one will need it.”
In conclusion Sister Jesus (Peace be upon Him) was a righteous prophet of Islam, who always practiced and preached Oneness of God and will come back and remind the same.